79 research outputs found

    OWA operators in the calculation of the average green-house gases emissions

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    This study proposes, through weighted averages and ordered weighted averaging operators, a new aggregation system for the investigation of average gases emissions. We present the ordered weighted averaging operators gases emissions, the induced ordered weighted averaging operators gases emissions, the weighted ordered weighted averaging operators gases emissions and the induced probabilistic weighted ordered weighted averaging operators gases emissions. These operators represent a new way of analyzing the average gases emissions of different variables like countries or regions. The work presents further generalizations by using generalized and quasi-arithmetic means. The article also presents an illustrative example with respect to the calculations of the average gases emissions in the European region

    El papel del entorno en la localización de actividades de I+D en las filiales de multinacionales extranjeras

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    ResumenLa internacionalización de actividades de I+D en países extranjeros distintos del de origen de las multinacionales es una difícil decisión, y el entorno local es uno de los elementos fundamentales para su localización. A partir de un estudio de casos y tomando como referencia siete filiales con centros de investigación de excelencia en España, se concluye que los factores relacionados con la oferta tecnológica tienen mayor poder de atracción que los de demanda de mercado. Sin embargo, se constata que el entorno español resulta más atractivo por el lado de los factores de demanda que por el de oferta y, por lo tanto, se sitúa en una posición intermedia en la atracción de inversión directa en actividades de I+D en el exterior.AbstractThe internationalization of R&D activities in countries different from that of the multinational's origin is a difficult decision. The local environment plays an essential role in that sense. Using case study methodology and taking seven subsidiaries with excellent research centers in Spain as a reference, the results show that the aspects related to technology supply have more power of attraction than those related to market demand. However, the Spanish environment is more attractive on the side of demand factors than by the supply ones; therefore, it explains the position of Spain as an intermediate country in attracting direct foreign investment in R&D and innovation

    Localización de la inversión extranjera en innovación. España frente a las economías emergentes

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    En el contexto de crisis económica actual, los países de economías emergentes están irrumpiendo cada vez con más fuerza en el panorama internacional. Prueba de ello es el peso creciente de estos países como receptores de la inversión directa extranjera. En 2010 los países de economías emergentes superaron por primera vez a los países desarrollados como principal destino de la inversión de las multinacionales. Como resultado, en 2011 más de la mitad de los flujos de Inversión Directa Extranjera (IDE) mundiales, concretamente el 51%, fueron recibidos por países de economías en desarrollo y en transición (UNCTAD, 2012)

    Implantación de recursos didácticos digitales en asignaturas de Organización de Empresas

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el protocolo de implantación de diversas herramientas didácticas, así como el nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes que las utilizan. Los resultados muestran, primero, que no es posible crear un único protocolo aplicable a todos los recursos, debido a las diferencias en los objetivos didácticos existentes. Segundo, la valoración que los estudiantes hacen de la utilización de los recursos es muy positiva, aunque existen algunas diferencias entre las distintas herramientas. Estos resultados permiten mejorar los recursos y adecuarlos al perfil de los estudiantes para que éstos puedan sacar el mayor provecho posible

    Estudio de un caso de externalización de la actividad logística como opción estratégica en el sector de la industria farmacéutica

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    Este trabajo presenta un caso de estudio de subcontratación estratégica en el sector farmacéutico, de especial interés, al considerar esta opción empresarial desde el punto de vista de la empresa principal, y también desde la visión de la empresa subcontratada. Forma parte de un trabajo de investigación más amplio y ambicioso, aunque se ha optado por seleccionar este caso entre los diferentes estudiados al ser uno de los más interesantes: por la doble visión antes comentada y por las características del sector al que pertenece.This paper exhibits a strategic outsourcing case study in the pharmaceutical industry. It is specially valuable because it shows a double viewpoint: the main company view and the outsourced company view. This work is part of a broad and more ambitious investigation, which includes more cases, but we have selected this one because of its special interest, not only because of its double point of view but also because of its industry peculiarities

    Competence assessment in higher education: A dynamic approach

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    Advances in the implementation of the European Higher Education Area have had a great impact on university environment and the process of design, evaluation, and implementation of new curricula. Identifying competence levels among students can help course organizers to improve both academic content and teaching/learning processes. The present study addresses this issue by examining the implementation of an Internet-based competency assessment tool. We analyze the status and evolution of soft skills among students on the Official Masters program Creating and Managing Innovative Technology-Based Companies at the University of Barcelona, using a tool known as Tricuspoid, specifically designed for evaluating entrepreneurial competences. The results show that the tool, first, enables students to identify their strong and weak points and to develop personal strategies for improvement; second, provides teachers with additional information about the effects of their input on student competences; and third, supplies useful information for quality management of the Master's programs, because it can detect trends in the training needs of new students and help to enhance content accordingly, and therefore match the design of the academic program to the requirements of labor market

    Students competences in Business Administration subjects

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    The evaluation of the competences acquired by the students in the context of a university education system is needed to enable professors to develop teaching-learning processes tailored to students" needs. The main goal of this paper is to analyze in depth the profile of the acquired competences of the bachelor students in Business Administration subjects. In that sense, this paper explains an experience in assessing bachelor student"s competences by applying an ICT-based digital platform designed for the selfassessment of personal and social competences. In particular, we apply an evaluation tool which was specifically designed for self-evaluating the project managers" generic and specific competences. The authors of this research have previous experience in implementing this evaluation tool in the subjects of Business Administration, Operations Management and Strategic Management taught in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona. In this paper, the results show that there exist significant differences in the self-evaluation of competences depending on the respondent gender. This kind of tools benefits the three parties involved: students, university managers and organizations, and should be applied along the Bachelor as a transversal project and adapt the programs to achieve graduate students with higher levels of social and personal competences, as demanded by the labour market

    Are the BRIC countries overtaking intermediate countries in the race for international R&D? The case of Spain

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    The emergence of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) as international locations for foreign direct investment in R&D is a sign that multinationals are relocating their technological activities to new territories. This trend may weaken the supremacy of the developed countries until now considered leaders in innovation, and may mean the loss of the competitive advantages enjoyed by the countries considered intermediate innovators. This paper examines the situation of Spain as a typical intermediate economy and compares it to its main competitors among the BRICs. Based on eight case studies of subsidiaries with R&D centres in Spain, we conclude that the policies adopted by certain emerging economies to develop their national innovation systems are proving effective and that these countries now pose a threat to intermediate economies. However, the BRICs still lag behind in terms of the security of their institutional framework; this situation leaves intermediate countries in an advantageous positio

    Protocol per a la implantació d'eines didàctiques virtuals: competències i habilitats adquirides pels estudiants

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    L"adaptació al nou espai europeu d"educació superior (EEES) ha plantejat alguns canvis en l"enfocament de la formació universitària al nostre país. On abans era el docent el protagonista, ara és l"estudiant el que pren el rol d"actor principal de la seva formació, i l"aprenentatge s"orienta cap a una autonomia i reflexió més grans. En aquest escenari, les noves tecnologies ofereixen un ampli ventall d"opcions per millorar els processos formatius. En aquests sentit, el Grup d"Innovació Docent G IDEA ha participat activament en aquest procés d"adaptació des de ja fa uns quants anys, i ha creat una sèrie de recursos docents digitals que han estat àmpliament provats en diversos ensenyaments de la Facultat d"Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona. L"objectiu d"aquest article és presentar el protocol dissenyat per l"equip d"investigadors del G IDEA per implantar aquestes eines didàctiques (webquestes i exercicis tutoritzats), i també els resultats d"una enquesta de satisfacció sobre les competències i habilitats adquirides pels nostres estudiants en la utilització dels recursos. Els resultats mostren, d"una banda, que no ha estat possible crear un mateix protocol aplicable a tots els recursos, a causa de les diferències en els objectius didàctics de les distintes eines docents implantades. D"altra banda, la valoració que els estudiants fan de la utilització de les eines és molt positiva, tot i que hi ha algunes diferències entre els recursos analitzats. Conèixer la valoració que l"alumnat fa d"aquests recursos permet al grup d"investigadors poder-los millorar i adequar al perfil dels estudiants perquè aquests en puguin treure el màxim profit possible

    Jugando en Dirección de Operaciones

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    [EN] The current model of competency-based learning requires new tools that allow students to develop these competencies and become active subjects of their learning (rather than passive receivers of a contents). Gamification or ludification is becoming an innovative trend in many areas, also in higher education. Games can provide a useful environment for students to acquire professional skills, a fact that is much more difficult to acquire through traditional learning methods. In that sense, this paper presents the experience of designing a game for Operations Management students.El proyecto en el que se enmarca este trabajo está financiado por la convocatoria deayudas del Programa de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria REDICE-16 (código del proyecto REDICE-16-1621) del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (Sección de Investigación) de la Universitat de Barcelona.Guitart-Tarrés, L.; Núñez-Carballosa, A.; Jaría Chacón, N.; Achcaoucaou, F.; Cruz-Cázares, C.; Miravitlles, P.; Huertas García, R. (2017). Playing in Operations Management. Working Papers on Operations Management. 8(SP):81-85. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v8i0.7171SWORD81858SPAgogué, M., Levillain, K., & Hooge, S. (2015). Gamification of Creativity: Exploring the Usefulness of Serious Games for Ideation. Creativity and Innovation Management, 24(3), 415-429. doi:10.1111/caim.12138Berry, W. L., Schmitt CPIM, T. G., & Vollmann, T. E. (1982). Capacity planning techniques for manufacturing control systems: Information requirements and operational features. Journal of Operations Management, 3(1), 13-25. doi:10.1016/0272-6963(82)90018-3Cooper, R., Edgett, S., & Kleinschmidt, E. (2001). Portfolio management for new product development: results of an industry practices study. R&D Management, 31(4), 361-380. doi:10.1111/1467-9310.00225Honey, P.; Mumford, A. (1986). Using your learning styles. Maidenhead, UK: Peter Honey.Honey, P.; Mumford, A. (1992). The manual of learning styles. Maidenhead, UK: Peter Honey.Johnson, L.; Adams Becker, S.; Estrada, V. and Freeman, A. (2015). "NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition". Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Disponible a: http://cdn.nmc.org/media/2015-nmc-horizon-report-HE-EN.pdf.Joshi, M. P., Kathuria, R., & Porth, S. J. (2003). Alignment of strategic priorities and performance: an integration of operations and strategic management perspectives. Journal of Operations Management, 21(3), 353-369. doi:10.1016/s0272-6963(03)00003-2Price, M., O’Donovan, B., & Rust, C. (2007). Putting a social‐constructivist assessment process model into practice: building the feedback loop into the assessment process through peer review. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44(2), 143-152. doi:10.1080/14703290701241059Procopie, R.; Bumbac, R.; Giușcă, S.; Vasilcovschi, A. (2015). The Game of Innovation . Is Gamification a New Trendsetter ? THE GAME OF INNOVATION . IS GAMIFICATION A NEW TREND-SETTER? pp. 1142–1155.Roth, S., Schneckenberg, D., & Tsai, C.-W. (2015). The Ludic Drive as Innovation Driver: Introduction to the Gamification of Innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, 24(2), 300-306. doi:10.1111/caim.12124Rothwell, R. (1994). Towards the Fifth‐generation Innovation Process. International Marketing Review, 11(1), 7-31. doi:10.1108/02651339410057491Yalabik, B., Howard, M., & Roden, S. (2012). The innovation game: lessons in strategy and managing operations. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(12), 1441-1459. doi:10.1108/0144357121128418